Install Jackett

Install Jackett & Sonarr on Ubuntu

Install .Net

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev bzip2 mono-devel

Install Jackett

Go to, download the latest depending on the architecture

cd /tmp/

Unpack the Jackett release

tar -xvf Jackett.Binaries.LinuxAMDx64.tar.gz

Make the Jackett installation folder

sudo mkdir /opt/jackett

Move the unzipped Jackett installation

sudo mv Jackett/* /opt/jackett/

Change ownership of /opt/jackett to your main user

sudo chown -R haleeth:haleeth /opt/jackett/

Test running Jackett, which runs on port 9117 http://IP:9117

cd /opt/jackett/

Runs OK? Then you can opt-in to start Jackett at boot. Let us execute the service systemd script to configure this

sudo ./
sudo systemctl status jackett.service
sudo systemctl enable jackett.service

Install Sonarr

To install sonarr, simply use the following command

sudo snap install sonarr

Sonarr Service

To change sonarr status

sudo snap restart sonarr
sudo snap stop sonarr
sudo snap start sonarr
sudo snap enable sonarr



